News Department
Annual Duck Race, Duck Hunt coming to Belvidere
BELVIDERE, NJ (Warren County) – The Good Will Fire Company’s Annual Duck Race will be held on Sunday, August 6 at 1:00 p.m. and the finish line will be at Budd Jones Park.
Tickets are on sale for $5.00 each and to purchase your tickets, see any Good Will Fire Company member or message the fire company on Facebook.
“Get your tickets sooner rather than later, as we have sold all 2,500 tickets the past two years,” the fire company said.
The Duck Hunt will be happening throughout Belvidere beginning Friday, August 4 through Sunday, August 6.
Locate the “dressed up ducks” all over Belvidere and when you find them all, drop your list off at The Cellar Door, located at 400 Water Street, by 4:00 p.m. August 6 for a chance to win prizes.