Christine Serrano Glassner calls for ethics investigation of Tammy Murphy
Serrano Glassner: “This is just another example of the ‘Murphy Monarchy’ at work”
NEW JERSEY – Mendham Mayor Christine Serrano Glassner, the frontrunner for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate in New Jersey, Friday called for an ethics investigation into Tammy Murphy, the wife of Governor Phil Murphy and a candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate.
Mrs. Murphy, despite being a declared candidate for public office, appears in taxpayer-funded ads for Nurture NJ that function as de facto campaign ads, according to Serrano Glassner. Nurture NJ is a statewide, taxpayer-funded initiative headed by Tammy Murphy.
“There is no legitimate reason for Nurture NJ to continue using the governor’s wife as a spokesperson now that she’s officially declared herself as a candidate,” Serrano Glassner said. “Surely, our multi-millionaire governor and his wife can afford to finance their own campaign ads rather than using our tax dollars to boost her public profile.”
Serrano Glassner is calling for an immediate ethics investigation by the Office of the State Comptroller’s Investigations Division to determine whether the governor’s wife is committing any campaign finance violations by continuing to appear in publicly-funded ads after announcing her candidacy.
“This is just another example of the ‘Murphy Monarchy’ at work,” Serrano Glassner said. “The governor and his wife, ‘Bougie Tammy,’ clearly have no problem using public resources for personal benefit as Gov. Murphy leverages his power and influence to advance his wife’s political ambitions.”