Congressman Kean introduces bill to provide more transparency on AI-generated content
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-07) last week introduced H.R. 6466, the AI Labeling Act of 2023, a bill that would help ensure people know when they are viewing AI-made content or interacting with an AI chatbot by requiring clear labels and disclosures.
Earlier this month, students at Westfield High School allegedly used artificial intelligence to make fake pornographic images of other students at the school. Reports found that students’ photos were manipulated and shared around the school, which created a concern amongst the school and the community on the lack of legal recourse of AI-generated pornography, Kean said.
These kinds of altered pictures are known online as “deepfakes,” Kean said.
“As a father, I am deeply disturbed by how effortlessly this kind of technology can be used in an explicit nature and minors can very easily be the victims. My heart goes out to the parents of these students and the victims at Westfield High School who have been affected by this incident. My team and I have spoken with families involved in this incident to find a solution to prevent something like this from ever happening again. Artificial intelligence is progressing astoundingly fast, and so are the companies behind its development. We are living in a highly advanced technological world that is ever-changing and proper oversight is necessary,” Kean said.
The AI Labeling Act would:
- Direct the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to coordinate with other federal agencies to form a working group to assist in identifying AI-generated content and establish a framework on labeling AI.
- Require that developers of generative AI systems incorporate a prominently displayed disclosure to clearly identify content generated by AI.
- Ensure developers and third-party licensees take responsible steps to prevent systematic publication of content without disclosures.
- Establish a working group of government, AI developers, academia, and social media platforms to identify best practices for identifying AI-generated content and determining the most effective means of transparently disclosing it to consumers.