Hunterdon County Commissioner Board takes step to make $1M in grant funds available to eligible nonprofits
Board Retains HFA Certified Public Accountants & Advisors
HUNTERDON COUNTY, NJ – The Hunterdon County Commissioners Tuesday retained HFA Certified Public Accounts & Advisors for advisory and oversight services for the administration of a $1,000,000 grant program for eligible area nonprofits.
Funding for this program will come from the County’s share of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLRF), received as part of the American Rescue Plan.
HFA will help advise the Commissioners on the creation of a grant application that will administer funding in accordance with U.S. Treasury Department guidance on the use of American Rescue Plans. HFA will also assist with the review of grant applications and any reporting that is required by the federal government.
Commissioner Shaun Van Doren and Budget Committee co-liaison stated, “This Board has been very clear that we will use funds received from the American Rescue Plan in a thoughtful, targeted, and appropriate manner. The resolution before us this evening, will enable Hunterdon County to work with HFA to create a historic, one-time grant program that will distribute funds received from the American Rescue Plan to eligible nonprofits.”
Holman Frenia Allison, PC, Certified Public Accountants and Advisors (HFA) is headquartered in Central New Jersey. The firm services a diverse client base, providing highly personalized and comprehensive advisory, audit, and tax services.
Commissioner John Lanza and Budget co-liaison said, “I can think of no better way to utilize part of the funds received from the American Rescue Plan, than by supporting our nonprofit community. With the retention of HFA for the endeavor, we will ensure that these grant awards are done in compliance with U.S. Treasury guidelines and in keeping with law’s intent.”
Additional details will be forthcoming form the County, including a public release of the grant application, minimum and maximum grant award levels, and the application period for submissions and review.