Hunterdon County Commissioners announce county planning board’s request for public input on revised Growth Management Plan
HUNTERDON COUNTY, NJ – At the October 17th Board Meeting, the Commissioners provided an update on the Hunterdon County Planning Board’s revision of the Growth Management Plan (GMP), which was initially updated and completed following a public comment period and public survey last fall.
Funding for this revision was originally approved in 2021 and is being written by the Community Planning Consultants at Heyer, Gruel, and Associates.
The Hunterdon County Planning staff has been working in partnership with the Highlands Council to update the GMP, which was last updated in 2007. The GMP is an element of the County’s Land Use Master Plan, and guides county-level investment, supports municipalities, and provides a shared vision for the county’s future land use.
Deputy Director Jeff Kuhl, who is the liaison for the Planning and Land Use Department stated, “The Planning Board welcomes public comment on the revised Growth Management Plan as part of the revision process. We appreciate the Highland Council’s financial support towards the cost associated with updating the GMP. The Highlands Council has generously awarded Hunterdon County grant funding up to $83,600.”
The County Planning Act is the New Jersey Law that provides the County Planning Board with the ability to adopt a master plan for the physical development of the county. Most of the control over land use in New Jersey takes place at the municipal level, but counties can guide their own investments and work with municipalities to encourage collaboration.
The Growth Management Plan may impact how investment and resources are allocated in the future and can provide support to municipalities for continuing to plan for how to deal with flooding, extreme weather events, and managing scarce resources.
Hunterdon County residents are invited and encouraged to offer comments regarding the revisions to the County’s Growth Management Plan. For more information contact Planning@co.hunterdon.nj.us or 908-788-1490.
Written comments may be directed to Katherine Fullerton, Supervising Planner for the County of Hunterdon at the Route 12 County Complex, PO Box 2900, 314 State Route 12, Flemington, New Jersey, 08822, or via email at Planning@co.hunterdon.nj.us.