Hunterdon County Commissioners award grant funds to goHunterdon to enhance access to transportation
HUNTERDON COUNTY, NJ – On Tuesday, April 16, members of the Board of County Commissioners presented Tara Shepherd, the Executive Director for goHunterdon, with grant funds in the amount of $100,000.
Funding for this grant program came from State and Local Recovery Funds, received by Hunterdon County under the American Rescue Plan.
Commissioner Director Jeff Kuhl presented the check and said, “As a Board we are pleased to present these funds to goHunterdon. The monies from this grant will help enhance access to safe transportation for residents of Hunterdon County where LINK services might be limited.”
Independent consultants were hired by the Commissioner Board to provide advisory services for the program and reviewed several applications. Nearly $2.8 million in grant requests were received for the $1 million in available funding. GoHunterdon is a well-established 501c3 non-profit organization, that has worked for nearly 30 years to address transportation needs in Hunterdon County.
These grant funds will be utilized to supplement the Hunterdon County LINK Transportation System’s “Special Transportation Service” (STS), that is offered to seniors, persons with a disability, and veterans for in-county and out of county medical trips that cannot be accommodated within the existing LINK System.
The STS project will allow Hunterdon County to expand transportation access and capacity, address particular gaps in service, and maximize efficiency of existing LINK service.
Residents in need of transportation for in-county or out of county medical appointments should contact LINK Dispatch at 1-800-842-0531 at least two weeks prior to appointments to discuss transportation needs.