Hunterdon County Commissioners collaborate with the USDA for a grant workshop
HUNTERDON COUNTY, NJ – Hunterdon County Deputy Director Commissioner Jeff Kuhl along with fellow
Commissioners John Lanza and Susan Soloway recently hosted members of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for an informative Rural Development Grant Workshop.
Many localmunicipal officials and area farmers were in attendance for the workshop.
“The USDA has made a significant investment in Hunterdon County over the last 20 years, and it is important that our municipal officials and local agricultural industry are aware of the variety of grant and loan opportunities that are available to them. Things ranging from water, and sewer infrastructure projects, to community facilities, and fire truck acquisitions are all possibilities through the USDA Rural Development office,” Kuhl said.
Presenters for the USDA included, Jane Asselta, New Jersey State Director for the U.S.; Janis Rega, Community & Economic Development Director; and Christine Schmelzle, Community Programs Director.
The workshop addressed grant monies allocated for rural services in business cooperatives, housing, and utilities, with an emphasis on the USDA’s Development Mission, which is to ‘focus on assisting rural communities in creating prosperity, so they are self-sustaining and economically thriving’.
“My colleagues and I are committed to working with our municipal leaders and should you need assistance going forward, including a letter of support for a grant application, we stand ready to assist. Identifying and securing important federal grants is one way to meet the needs in our communities. The opportunities outlined today are a means to help address infrastructure upgrades, secure equipment for our first responders, and expand markets. At the end of the day, I know that each of you who works hard to deliver critical local government services at a price that your residents can afford. As a commissioner board, we want to empower our local officials with knowledge about grants that are available to them,” Lanza said.