Hunterdon County Commissioners laud “Are You Ready To Vote” workshop?
HUNTERDON COUNTY, NJ – Hunterdon County Clerk Mary Melfi recently shared an upcoming workshop that she along with Election Board Administrator, Beth Thompson developed, entitled, “Hunterdon County Are You Ready To Vote?”
The program is designed to promote voting confidence amongst county residents in the upcoming Presidential Election cycle and in elections beyond 2024.
Commissioner John Lanza, liaison to both the County Clerk’s Office and the Board of Elections said, “I commend Mary Melfi and Beth Thompson for all of the hard work and planning that has gone into the development of this workshop. It is a great reminder that every vote counts, and we should all exercise the right to vote and ensure that all our voices are heard.”
“Beth and I believe there is no better place to kick-off the announcement of this workshop than with our Commissioners. This Board has provided both the Clerk’s office and the Board of Elections a great deal of support through the financing of secure equipment that offers a paper trail, expedited the relocation of the Election Board to an incredible workspace, and continues to fund our ability to offer outstanding election services in Hunterdon County,” Melfi said.
The workshop will offer a comprehensive and transparent look at all aspects of voting, including Registration and Party Affiliation, Vote By Mail, Early Voting, Election Day, Provisional Ballots, and Election Tallying and Reporting.
There will be two workshops offered at the Board of Elections, 112 Broad Street, in Flemington.
RSVP is requested by Feb. 19, call 908-788-1190 or email elections@co.hunterdon.nj.us to register.
• Wednesday Feb. 21 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
• Saturday, Feb. 24 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
“As we all know, voting is important. County residents need to have confidence that their vote was casted securely and counted. My staff along with the Board of Elections staff are proactively doing all we can as a team to give voters that confidence,” Melfi said.