I-78 eastbound lane closures on Nov. 11 as bridge deck project advances in Somerset County
Expect congestion, delays, and consider alternate routes
SOMERSET COUNTY, NJ – The two left lanes on I-78 eastbound are scheduled to be closed Saturday as the I-78 Bridges over Routes 202/206 and Washington Valley Road deck replacement project advances in Bedminster Township and Bridgewater Township.
This is a continuation of work that began the weekend of Oct. 20.
From 5:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, the left lane on I-78 eastbound is scheduled to be closed before the I-78/I-287 interchange split with one through lane maintained. All I-78 eastbound traffic will be directed to stay right, as the left two lanes over the temporary bridge in the median will be closed to make repairs to the bridge.
The ramp from I-287 northbound to I-78 eastbound will remain open and becomes the right lane on I-78 eastbound. The ramp from I-287 southbound to I-78 eastbound also will remain open, but there will be a temporary stop sign at the end of the ramp, where it merges with I-78 eastbound.
Motorists on I-78 eastbound should expect heavy congestion and delays on Saturday and may want to consider alternate routes.
By 5:00 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, all lanes on I-78 eastbound will reopen with the two left lanes over the temporary bridge available to cars. Trucks are directed to use the right two lanes on I-78 eastbound. In addition, the stop sign at the end of the I-287 southbound ramp to I-78 eastbound will be removed and returned to a yield.
The $27.9 million federally-funded project will replace both eastbound and westbound bridge decks that carry I-78 over Routes 202/206 and Washington Valley Road, which are in poor condition. In addition, the existing guiderail will be brought up to current standards.
New approach slabs will be constructed at all four bridges, and the roadway will be resurfaced within project limits. The project was designed to advance in stages to minimize impact on motorists, beginning with the eastbound bridges.
Construction of all bridges is expected to be completed by fall 2025.
Variable Message Signs will provide advance notification to motorists of traffic pattern changes associated with the work. The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather or other factors.
Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT’s traffic information website for real-time travel information.