New veterans service office opens in Warren County
MANSFIELD TOWNSHIP, NJ (Warren County) – The NJ Division of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA) held a dedication and grand opening on Wednesday for Warren County’s own Veterans’ Service Office (WCVSO), at the 104th BEB U.S. National Guard Armory, located at 550 Route 57 in the Port Murray section of Mansfield Township.
The new, WCVSO is now a dedicated point of entry for all Warren County veterans and their families with questions about or the need for any of the myriad resources, services, and benefits available through DMAVA, Senator Doug Steinhardt (R-23) said.
“Whether it’s an application for Veterans’ Association healthcare, claims for VA disability, or regarding the new PACT Act benefits that became available on March 5, the WCVSO has answers and can help,” Steinhardt said.
The newly appointed Warren County Veterans’ Service Officer will assist with Doyle internment registry, no cost PTSD and other counseling, or a connection to in-person and tele-health services. He can provide employment counseling, advice regarding property and income tax deductions, and even housing, homelessness, and other assistance, Steinhardt said.
“If you or a family member are a veteran or active-duty military member, there is something for you at the WCVSO,” Steinhardt said.
To learn more about the resources available at the WCVSO or through DMAVA, visit www.nj.gov/military/veterans/services/vso/.