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NJBPU reminds residents to be prepared for hurricane season

NEW JERSEY — Hurricane season officially began on June 1 and with the potential for severe weather and storms comes the possibility for utility equipment damage and power loss.

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) is reminding all residents that now is the time to prepare in the event of a major storm.

“Hurricane season is upon us.” said NJBPU President Joseph L. Fiordaliso. “As the Board and New Jersey’s utility companies prepare to respond quickly in the event of a hurricane, we also urge New Jersey residents to be ready to act to secure themselves and their properties. Safety is our number one priority.”

When severe weather is forecasted, there are several important reminders for residents:

  • All phone and electric devices should be charged in the event of power outages.
  • If outages should occur, contact your utility right away; do not assume someone else has.
  • Treat all downed power lines as live and do not go near them.
  • Call 9-1-1 for fallen tree branches and downed live wires.

As part of our storm preparedness, the BPU Division of Reliability and Security coordinates activities with the State Police Office of Emergency Management and organizes monthly conference calls with State and Federal departments and agencies whose responsibilities include emergency preparedness and response.

The BPU also prepares for hurricane season by participating in annual emergency drills conducted by Public Service Electric & Gas, Jersey Central Power & Light, Atlantic City Electric, and Rockland Electric Company.

Information on what to do in advance of, during, and after a hurricane or tropical storm can be accessed on the NJOEM website at

Jay Edwards

Born and raised in Northwest NJ, Jay has a degree in Communications and has had a life-long interest in local radio and various styles of music. Jay has held numerous jobs over the years such as stunt car driver, bartender, voice-over artist, traffic reporter (award winning), NY Yankee maintenance crewmember and peanut farm worker. His hobbies include mountain climbing, snowmobiling, cooking, performing stand-up comedy and he is an avid squirrel watcher. Jay has been a guest on America’s Morning Headquarters,program on The Weather Channel, and was interviewed by Sam Champion.

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