Project Self-Sufficiency to host Family Health Expo April 24
NEWTON, NJ (Sussex County) – Fun, interactive activities for parents and children will be available at a free Family Health Expo hosted by Project Self-Sufficiency on Wednesday, April 24 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Representatives from local health organizations will be on hand to discuss resources for the health and well-being of children and families, and presentations will be offered about adverse childhood experiences, child abuse prevention, the stages of appropriate childhood development, breast health, and positive parenting techniques.
The Newton Volunteer First Aid & Rescue Squad will offer ambulance tours for kids. Blood pressure checks will be administered by the Sussex County Office of Public Health Nursing.
One family in attendance will be randomly selected to receive a $100 gift card towards the purchase of groceries. Pizza will be provided for all attendees and the Family Health Expo is free and open to the public.
In addition to Project Self-Sufficiency, up-to-date health and wellness information will be available from Caring Partners of Morris & Sussex; Center for Family Services; DAWN Center for Independent Living; Elizabethtown Gas; Family Partners of Morris & Sussex; Family Promise of Sussex County; Journey Family Success Center Parent Advisory Council; Mental Health Association (NJ4S); New Jersey Department of Child Protection & Permanency; Newton Volunteer Rescue & First Aid Squad; Sussex County Library System; Sussex County Public Health Nursing, Sussex Warren Chronic Disease Coalition; Sussex County YMCA; Youth Advocate Program; Zufall Health; and others.
For more information about the Family Health Expo, or any of the other programs and services offered at Project Self-Sufficiency, visit www.projectselfsufficiency.org.