Republican leaders: The state legislature is ignoring public safety issues
NEW JERSEY – Senate Republican Leader Anthony M. Bucco and Assembly Republican Leader John DiMaio say the state legislature is dragging its feet on reforms while crime continues to rise and be a major concern for residents.
“We’ve had years now to examine the pre-trial release policy to see what’s working and what’s not,” said Bucco (R-Morris). “Whether it’s repeat offenders like car thieves or child predators walking the street, it’s obvious that we have loopholes in the system that must be closed. This is just another example of the numerous issues that need to be addressed.”
Bucco said the Legislature has been on break since July.
Crime rates remain higher than pre-pandemic levels. The Murphy administration claims they are falling, but has not provided the usual uniform crime reports by the State Police. The last detailed report was published in 2016 and only spreadsheets were provided through 2020.
“The Democrat-controlled Legislature is on break, but the issues that impact everyday New Jerseyans aren’t,” said DiMaio (R-Warren). “I have called for a special voting session, as has Senator Bucco, to pass bills that will help and protect our residents. We have work to do. But those appeals have fallen on deaf, Democrat ears.”