Resolution that would designate first week of May as “Composting Awareness Week” advances
NEW JERSEY – A joint resolution sponsored by Senator Edward Durr that would designate the first week of May of each year as “Composting Awareness Week” was approved this week by the New Jersey Senate.
“Composting has significant economic benefits for those in the agricultural industry,” said Durr (R-3). “Farmers who use compost actually spend far less money on expensive fertilizers and pesticides, water, and irrigation. That savings can then be reinvested in the local economy or used to make improvements on the farm. My legislation will not only recognize the importance of composting, but will further encourage the practice by businesses and individuals.”
Durr’s joint resolution, SJR-87, would designate the first week of May of each year as “Composting Awareness Week” in the State of New Jersey.
Compost is a mixture made of organic materials that is added to the soil in gardens and farms to increase soil fertility and nourish plants and crops. The nutrients and benefits provided by compost minimizes the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which can significantly reduce soil and water pollution.
“Composting is one of those initiatives that everyone can support, no matter which side of the aisle you are on. It reduces water usage, limits waste by recycling organic materials, and saves farmers a lot of money. This bill is a win-win for all New Jerseyans,” Durr said.