News Department

Ribbon cutting ceremony held for new sensory trail in Morris County

JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP, NJ (Morris County) – A ribbon cutting was held Saturday for a new sensory trail in Jefferson Township.

The trail, located at Camp Jefferson located at 81 Weldon Road, was designed and built by Eagle Scout Max Russell.

Sensory trails are designed for people of all abilities and allow them to touch and learn along the way.

“We are so excited to have this trail in Jefferson and hope that many will come out and enjoy the unique pieces installed by Max and his volunteers,” officials said.

(Photo: Ribbon cutting ceremony held for new sensory trail. Credit | Jefferson Township)
(Photo: Ribbon cutting ceremony held for new sensory trail. Credit | Jefferson Township)


Jay Edwards

Born and raised in Northwest NJ, Jay has a degree in Communications and has had a life-long interest in local radio and various styles of music. Jay has held numerous jobs over the years such as stunt car driver, bartender, voice-over artist, traffic reporter (award winning), NY Yankee maintenance crewmember and peanut farm worker. His hobbies include mountain climbing, snowmobiling, cooking, performing stand-up comedy and he is an avid squirrel watcher. Jay has been a guest on America’s Morning Headquarters,program on The Weather Channel, and was interviewed by Sam Champion.

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