Senator Bucco: Listening to parents is the right thing to do
NEW JERSEY – Senate Republican Leader Anthony M. Bucco said that it is time for Governor Murphy and Trenton Democrats to start listening to New Jersey parents after a Monmouth University poll indicated that the majority of parents support parental notification policies in schools.
“If Governor Murphy believes that suing school districts is the right thing to do perhaps he should start listening to parents. It is abundantly clear that New Jerseyans do not want the Murphy administration to be their co-parent in the classroom,” said Bucco (R-25). “Trenton Democrats and Governor Murphy have shown that they are fighting for the wrong priorities and parents are speaking out about these extreme priorities. Senate Republicans are ready to reverse this trend and end this unnecessary litigation that has been forced upon parents and school boards.”
In July, Governor Murphy appeared on CBS News Face the Nation to discuss his administration’s efforts to sue the Middletown, Manalapan, and Marlboro school districts for policies that require the schools to notify parents about certain issues pertaining to their children. Murphy argued that “it’s the right thing to do” to sue school districts over an issue that has turned into a “culture war.”
A poll from Monmouth University indicated that parents do not agree with Governor Murphy. In fact, an overwhelming majority of parents (81%) believe that middle and high schools should be required to notify parents if their child identifies as a different gender. This view was shared by 92% of Republicans, 81% of Independents, and even 61% of registered Democrats.
Senate and Assembly Republicans have announced their intention to introduce legislation to protect parental rights and prevent the Murphy administration from driving a wedge between parents and their children.
“The government should not have the authority to tell parents what they are allowed to know about their child and stand between them and their education. School is a place where students go to learn, not be subject to identity politics,” Bucco said. “Parental rights are of the upmost importance. If Governor Murphy and Trenton Democrats aren’t willing to listen to parents and do the right the thing, then voters will.”