Serrano Glassner scores major win at Morris County GOP Convention in race for U.S. Senate
MENDHAM, NJ (Morris County) — Mendham Mayor Christine Serrano Glassner, the frontrunner for the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey, Tuesday night secured a massive victory at the Morris County GOP Convention, her third decisive win in a row, following similar results in Hunterdon and Union Counties two weeks ago.
GOP Committee members in Morris County selected Serrano Glassner with a huge majority of the vote, 74%, while the other competitor, Curtis Bashaw, an anti-Trump candidate with a long history of supporting liberal Democrat candidates, trailed far behind with 26% of the vote.
“I’m honored by the faith and trust that the GOP Committee members have placed in our candidacy with this victory at the Morris County GOP Convention tonight,” said Mayor Serrano Glassner. “This is one step in a long journey to the U.S. Senate, but we are well on our way to victory with a third GOP County Convention win in a row in as many weeks.
“This campaign is about restoring peace and prosperity in America for our kids’ future, which has been destroyed through the corruption and cronyism of the Democrats in New Jersey and across the nation,” Serrano Glassner said. “I will be a Senator who fights with integrity for hard working families in New Jersey and who returns power to the people when we secure our border, fix this disastrous economy of the Biden-Menendez-Murphy cabal, return to peace through strength, and defend Israel. I am ready to serve as a leader for New Jersey families while proudly supporting Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States.”
Serrano Glassner has been endorsed by U.S. Representative Tom Kean, New Jersey Senator Jon Bramnick, and a growing number of GOP leaders across New Jersey.