Space, Fantasia and Inganamort condemn State Board of Education for promoting identity politics in schools
Conservative trio vow to overturn the new regs with a Republican Majority next year
NEW JERSEY – District 24 legislative candidates Assemblyman Parker Space for Senate, Dawn Fantasia and Mike Inganamort for Assembly Thursday ripped the Murphy administration and the New Jersey State Board of Education (BOE) for once again putting identity politics ahead of parental rights.
“These new regulations are ridiculous and a slap in the face to every parent in New Jersey,” said Space, who has championed parental rights legislation and has opposed dangerous curriculum standards pushed by Governor Murphy and the Democrats. “They need to be overturned, either in the courts or by the legislature.”
The State BOE Wednesday approved changes to current regulations entitled “Managing for Equality and Equity in Education” that, among other things, would mandate that separation between boys and girls for education classes and sports would not be based on science, but instead on gender identity – not biological sex – allowing biological boys to compete in girls’ sports. Additionally, the new regulations removed gendered nouns and pronouns, as well as all mentions of the word “equality”.
“As a parent and an educator, I am disgusted that, yet again, the Murphy administration has steamrolled parents and educators in order to force their unscientific, misguided progressive agenda into our public schools,” said Fantasia, who is a Sussex County Commissioner and a public charter school administrator. “These new regulations are a thinly-veiled attack on the rights of female students, and they strip away the level playing field that so many have fought for.”
As an Assemblyman, Space joined with fifteen of his legislative colleagues, including Senator Steve Oroho and Assemblyman Hal Wirths in urging the State BOE not to vote on these controversial changes; Fantasia and Inganamort sent their own joint letter vigorously opposing the standards as well.
Word already is out that lawsuits are being prepared to challenge the new regulations. Moreover, under the oversight power of the state legislature, the Assembly and Senate could vote to overturn the regulations without approval of the Governor.
“This is why it is imperative that those who are concerned with parental rights vote Republican this fall in order to gain majorities in both houses of the legislature,” said Inganamort, the Mayor of Chester Township and a parent of three girls. “I know I speak on behalf of Parker and Dawn when I say that we pledge to start the process to overturn these outrageous regulations if the Murphy administration does not rescind them.”
In fact, a Republican majority in both houses of the legislature can not only stop liberal legislation from passing, but also can overturn other draconian regulations and orders from Murphy, such as his future bans on gas stoves and traditional automobiles among others.
“If the voters empower Republicans, and if elected, Parker, Mike, and I will start the oversight process immediately come January and see to it that Murphy’s nonsense is overturned,” Fantasia said.
The 24th Legislative District includes all of Sussex County and portions of both Morris and Warren Counties,