U.S. Postal Service announces new competitive prices for 2024
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) Wednesday of price changes for Shipping Services to take effect Jan. 21, 2024. These proposed prices were approved by the Postal Service governors earlier this week.
USPS Ground Advantage prices would increase by 5.4 percent, Priority Mail service prices would increase by 5.7 percent, and Priority Mail Express service prices would increase by 5.9 percent.
The Postal Service is also seeking price adjustments for Special Services products including Post Office Box rental fees and some international mail services that includes Registered Mail and International Mail insurance. The PRC will review the prices before they are scheduled to take effect.
The Postal Service continues to offer a great value in shipping. Unlike some other shippers, the Postal Service has upfront pricing and does not add surcharges for residential and regular Saturday delivery, nor fuel. Also, the Postal Service offers convenient flat rate and cubic pricing options.
The Postal Service continues to offer USPS Ground Advantage – a new ground shipping solution that provides a simple, reliable, and affordable way to ship packages across the continental U.S. with 2-5 day certain delivery based on distance. USPS Ground Advantage offers $100 insurance included in the price, as well as free pickup on the carrier’s route.
The pricing for USPS Connect Local will remain unchanged. This service provides businesses with an affordable same-day and next-day delivery for their local customers.
Driven by the ongoing implementation of the Delivering for America plan, 98 percent of the nation’s population currently receives their mail and packages in less than three days.
The complete Postal Service price filings with prices for all products can be found on the PRC website under the edockets System. For the Shipping Services filing, see Docket No. CP2024-52. The Postal Service provides additional resources to assist customers regarding the price changes. These tools include price lists, downloadable price files and Federal Register Notices.