Washington Township, Morris County receives more than $51K in grants to improve trails and purchase ADA merry-go-rounds
WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, NJ (Morris County) – Washington Township has received more than $51K in grants to improve trails and purchase ADA merry-go-rounds, according to Mayor Matt Murello.
The first grant was from the Morris County Park Commission for $7,760 to improve the existing loop trail and the two connector paths around Kohler Pond, Murello said.
The second grant from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs was for $42,600 to purchase and install two ADA inclusive merry-go-rounds, Murello said.
The plan is to have one installed at Rock Spring Park and the other at Palmer Park and they would be the first ones installed in the area, Murello said.
“These grants will improve our already top in the state trails and parks for the people in the town and I want to thank the Township administration, departments and committees that made these grants possible,” Murello said.