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Gottheimer announces new bipartisan SALT Tax legislation to lower taxes for hardworking New Jersey families

Fighting to fully restore SALT deduction in the upcoming tax bill

NEW JERSEY — Standing in front of a large salt pile, U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) announced his new SALT Tax Cut Strategy on Friday, including bipartisan legislation aimed at fully restoring the State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction and delivering a much-needed tax cut for hardworking Jersey families

The Crucial Impact of the SALT Deduction in North Jersey

  • Restoring the SALT deduction will help more than three million Jersey families — a third of the state’s residents, eighty percent of whom make less than $218,000 a year.
  • In 2017, the average SALT deduction taken in New Jersey was $19,000, nearly double the current cap, and $24,000 in Bergen County. The deduction put thousands of dollars back into the pockets of Jersey’s middle-income families.
  • According to a recent report — Jersey has had the highest outmigration in the entire country for the last seven years, with families and businesses citing affordability and taxes as their chief reasons for leaving.
    • One-third of the state’s publicly traded companies left throughout the last decade.
  • The median property tax bill in Bergen County is more than $15,000.
    • This can be 15 times higher than in a state like Mississippi.

Gottheimer’s New SALT Tax Cut Strategy

  • This week, Gottheimer submitted a SALT report to the House Ways and Means Committee with hundreds of comments from Jersey families, small businesses, and community leaders on the importance of the SALT Deduction for middle-class families.
    • In September, Gottheimer announced his SALT Portal to collect comments and ensure millions of Jersey families are heard in Washington.
  • As Co-Chair of the bipartisan SALT Caucus, Gottheimer led a Caucus meeting this week to discuss strategy with other Members and gear up for the fight to fully restore the SALT deduction.
  • Following the Caucus meeting, Gottheimer introduced bipartisan legislation with SALT Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Andrew Garbarino to fully restore the SALT Deduction and give families in Jersey a much needed tax cut.
  • Finally, Gottheimer sent a letter, along with his SALT Report, to the House Ways and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee urging them to restore the SALT deduction as part of any reconciliation bill.

“From teachers to nurses to first responders, Jersey has spoken — and they want the full SALT deduction back. They want to make life here more affordable, and they don’t want to be taxed twice on the same income,” said Gottheimer (NJ-5), Co-Chair of the SALT Caucus. “The same Red Moocher States that raised taxes in 2017 are trying to cap the deduction again, or get rid of the deduction altogether, and stick it to our middle class families. We will need to fight tooth and nail, but as you all know, I never back down from a fight to lower taxes and costs and help our families. When it comes to cutting taxes, restoring SALT, and making life more affordable,  I’ll work with anyone to get this done.”

Gottheimer was joined by Assemblywoman Ellen Park (LD 37), Assemblywoman Shama Haider (LD 37), Mayor Bill Ziegler, Councilman Louis Grandelis, Councilman Christoph Hesterbrink, and Councilman Jordan Ziegler.

Jay Edwards

Born and raised in Northwest NJ, Jay has a degree in Communications and has had a life-long interest in local radio and various styles of music. Jay has held numerous jobs over the years such as stunt car driver, bartender, voice-over artist, traffic reporter (award winning), NY Yankee maintenance crewmember and peanut farm worker. His hobbies include mountain climbing, snowmobiling, cooking, performing stand-up comedy and he is an avid squirrel watcher. Jay has been a guest on America’s Morning Headquarters,program on The Weather Channel, and was interviewed by Sam Champion.

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