NJDOT’s record FY24 Capital Program demonstrates Murphy administration’s commitment to infrastructure
115 projects valued at $1.245 Billion awarded
NEW JERSEY – The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) delivered the largest Capital Program in NJDOT history in State Fiscal Year 2024, demonstrating the Murphy Administration’s commitment to infrastructure investment.
During the recently concluded fiscal year that ended on June 30, NJDOT awarded 115 construction contracts at a total value of $1.245 Billion dollars. The State fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30.
The previous record was in SFY 21 when 115 construction contracts valued at $1.226 Billion were awarded. That year included an additional $600 million in appropriations to the TTF.
“The New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Program demonstrates Governor Murphy’s commitment to a safe, reliable, and equitable transportation system for all New Jerseyans, NJDOT Commissioner Fran O’Connor said. “I want to thank NJDOT Assistant Commissioner of Capital Program Management Parth Oza, along with the NJDOT team, as well as Robert Clark, the Federal Highway Administration New Jersey Division Director and the staff at the FHWA, for their efforts to make this historic level infrastructure investment a reality.”
To help speed projects through the delivery pipeline, the Department utilized a variety of solicitations, including an innovative program that the FHWA allowed NJDOT to pilot, to make 120 consultant selections valued at $381 Million. This also represents the largest value of consultant selections, topping the $365 million awarded in SFY 22.
Below are a few projects that were awarded in FY24 that exemplify NJDOT’s commitment to safety, resiliency, and environmental stewardship that enhance the mobility of New Jersey’s 9.3 million residents and all those who travel through our State.
These projects will have a lasting impact and improve the quality of life for everyone traveling in and through New Jersey:
Rt 7 Kearny Drainage
Kearny, Hudson County and North Arlington, Bergen County
• Awarded $96 Million construction contract on May 20, 2024
• Resiliency: installs a larger drainage system and raising low-lying highway sections by up to 3.5 feet to eliminate 90% of flood events
• Protecting the environment: builds three pump stations that filter stormwater prior to discharge into the surrounding marshland
• Quality of life: reduces flood-related detours that inconvenience commuters and nearby residents
Portway, Fish House Road/Pennsylvania Ave CR 659
Kearny, Hudson County
• $82 Million construction contract awarded on December 7, 2023
• Congestion relief and more efficient movement of freight: Widens Fish House Road and Pennsylvania Ave from one travel lane and no shoulder in each direction two12-foot lanes and three-foot shoulders in both directions to better accommodate high volumes of truck traffic
• Pedestrian and motorist safety: Constructs 250 feet of sidewalk along the EB side of Central Ave. and reconfigures T-intersection at Central Ave. and Pennsylvania Ave.
• Resiliency: Raises portions of the roadway to reduce tidal flooding
Rt 23, Bridge over Pequannock River and Hamburg Turnpike
Kinnelon and Butler, Morris County and West Milford, Passaic County
• Awarded $78 Million construction contract on September 20, 2023
• Resiliency: elevates Hamburg Turnpike SB to reduce storm-related flooding and resultant road closures
• State of good repair: replaces poor-condition bridge carrying Rt 23 over the Pequannock River, NYS&W Railway, and Hamburg Turnpike SB ramp
• Safety: Eliminates several substandard geometric deficiencies
Rt 42 Kennedy Ave to Atlantic City Expressway
Washington and Monroe, Gloucester County
• $73 Million construction contract awarded on December 7, 2023
• Pedestrian and motorist safety: installs ADA-compliant curb ramps and sidewalks, guiderail upgrades, and left-turn lane improvements between Ganttown Road and Johnson Road
• State of Good Repair: Resurfaces the highway
• Environment: Improves stormwater drainage system including surface and underground basins
• Operational Improvements: installs adaptive traffic signal equipment at eight intersection
Rt 80, Bridges over Howard Blvd (CR 615)
Mount Arlington and Roxbury, Morris County
• $65 Million construction contract awarded on September 18, 2023
• Safety and Operational Improvements: Lengthens the acceleration lane for motorists entering Rt 80 EB, eliminating a crash-prone merge condition
• Pedestrian access to transit: Installs an eight-foot-wide sidewalk leading to the NJ Transit’s Mount Arlington Rail Station
• State of Good Repair: Replaces the Rt 80 EB and WB structures over Howard Boulevard
Rt 49, Buckshutem Road Intersection Improvements
Bridgeton, Cumberland County
• $18 Million construction award on December 7, 2023
• Safety: Eliminates numerous substandard geometric deficiencies at the intersection that make navigating it difficult, especially for travelers to the Jersey Shore who are unfamiliar with it
• Quality of Life: reconfigures the six-legged intersection to improve traffic flow and better accommodate turning movements