Hackettstown Land Use Board approves Aldi site plan application as complete for Mountain Avenue location
HACKETTSTOWN, NJ (Warren County) – The Hackettstown Land Use Board deemed the site plan application for Aldi, Inc., a German-based discount grocer known for its low prices and store brands, at 215-225 Mountain Avenue — the former Marshalls building next to Lowe’s — complete during its September meeting, according to the board’s minutes.
The application, identified as #24-12, includes requests for both Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approvals as well as a Bulk Variance for site alterations.
The application was presented to the Land Use Board by Michael Selvaggi, Esquire of Lavery, Selvaggi & Cohen, PC, of Hackettstown. During the presentation, Selvaggi referred to the Completeness Review prepared by Colliers Engineering & Design, dated Sept. 17, 2024. He informed the board members that the required certification of taxes paid had been submitted and requested several waivers related to the site’s natural features and existing utility structures.
Mr. Selvaggi explained that, since the application involves a change of use at the existing location, an application for services from the Hackettstown Municipal Utilities Authority (HMUA) is not necessary. He also requested waivers for certifications confirming that the applicant had installed improvements and for the statement from the Town Engineer affirming that the improvements had been inspected.
Board Engineer Wisniewski reviewed the completeness report and indicated that many of the requested items could either be waived or were not applicable. He noted that the lot is already developed, and the proposed changes would involve only minor alterations to the site. Wisniewski recommended that the board consider the application complete at this stage.
Following the review, Mr. Moore made a motion to deem the application complete, which was seconded by Mr. Stout. The motion was passed unanimously by the board, with no opposition or abstentions.