Local teachers win Applebee’s Above and ‘Bee’yond contest
NEW JERSEY — Doherty Enterprises-owned Applebee’s® Neighborhood Grill & Bar restaurants in New Jersey announced the winners of their 8th annual “Above and ‘BEE’yond Teacher Essay Contest.”
Developed to acknowledge exceptional local educators, the contest encouraged students to write an essay nominating the special teacher who has had the most impact on their educational journey.
After a rigorous judging process, the following eight winners, from schools across the state, were announced:
- Pulitano of Barnegat High School in Ocean County
- Cosaro of Butler High School in Morris County
- Haas of Hillsborough High School in Somerset County
- Sherman of Lincoln Middle School in Passaic County
- Mule of Lyndhurst Middle School in Bergen County
- Nolan of Mount Olive Middle school in Morris County
- Wallace of Nicolaus Copernicus School (Jersey City PS 25) in Hudson County
- Walker of Summerfield Elementary in Monmouth County
Back in January, the Doherty-owned Applebee’s restaurants asked students in local elementary, middle, and high schools to draft and submit essays explaining how their teachers went above and “BEEyond.”
A panel of judges selected the top eight essays and awarded those special teachers with a check for $500 to better their classrooms and the opportunity to host an exclusive end-of-year class celebration at their local Doherty-owned Applebee’s restaurant.
“We are thrilled to celebrate the remarkable educators recognized in our eighth annual ‘Above and ‘BEE’yond Teacher Essay Contest’ at our New Jersey Applebee’s locations,” said Kevin Coughlin, Director of Operations – New Jersey, Doherty. “Celebrating the unwavering dedication of our local teachers who nurture and inspire our youth is a profound privilege. It is incredibly rewarding to provide a platform for students to express the significant influence their teachers have had on their lives and to shine a light on the community champions who make a difference every day.”