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Morris County launches the Morris Ambassador Program

Committee Appointed to Promote College Promise in Underserved Communities

MORRIS COUNTY, NJ – The Morris County Board of County Commissioners have announced the launch of the Morris Ambassador Program, a volunteer committee that will collaborate with County College of Morris (CCM) and the Morris County Vocational School District (MCVSD) to promote Morristown College Promise and other educational programs.

Morristown College Promise, which began in November, is a partnership committed to helping motivated, low-income middle and high school students and their families navigate the academic and financial challenges of a college education. CCM provides free after-school mentoring, tutoring, and advice on pathways that include college, the military, the trades, and immediate entry into the workforce with industry credentials. The program also engages students to volunteer for special projects in their community.

“Morris Ambassadors will help spread the word in Morristown about this program and the amazing opportunities at CCM and MCVSD,” said Morris County Commissioner John Krickus.

Krickus initially announced the formation of the new committee at the county’s Juneteenth Art in the Atrium event on June 13, which was followed by the full Board of County Commissioners adopting a resolution creating the Ambassador Program and appointing members on June 26.

“The Ambassador program is a critical component of the program’s success. Ambassadors help ensure members of the community are aware of these programs and advise the college on how it can continuously serve the community with excellence,” said CCM President Dr. Anthony J. Iacono. “CCM appreciates the Ambassadors and the continuously exceptional support the college receives from Morris County Commissioners. Together we are changing lives and strengthening communities!”

The line-up of the Morris Ambassadors currently includes several leaders in the Morristown community, including Rev. David A. Hollowell, Sr., Vanessa Brown of the NAACP, Henry J. Lee, the Rev. Herman Scott, Roberta Strater and Leslie Folmar Harris. The Morris County Commissioners are accepting nominations for additional appointments.

The Morristown College Promise is based on the Dover College Promise, launched by CCM under President Iacono in 2020. According to CCM, approximately 96 percent of program participants enroll in college after graduation, attesting to the success of the program’s mentoring, tutoring and support for students.

Commissioner Krickus and Commissioner Tayfun Selen attended a ribbon cutting ceremony last month to celebrate the completion of a community project undertaken by Dover College Promise students: the Morris Canal Towpath in Dover.

The town collaborated with Dover College Promise students, who used their class time to design the landscape of the nearly one-mile recreational trail in Dover’s Water Works Park. The trail is now part of the Morris Canal Greenway, a pedestrian pathway being constructed in piecemeal by many organizations to eventually retrace the ground covered by the old Morris Canal stretching from the Hudson River to the Delaware River.

“Morris County and the state have made significant investments in CCM and MCVSD in recent years, including an Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Center and plans for a new Entrepreneurship and Culinary Program. A new Career Training Center is currently being built to support an additional 500 VoTech students, along with a new health science center for careers in medicine and dentistry,” Krickus said.

“The College Promise programs will give students in underserved communities access to the necessary training and skills to lead successful careers in industries that are in demand and growing,” Krickus said.

Anyone with questions about Morristown College Promise can contact Julian Gomez, Director of the College Promise Program at CCM, by calling 973-328-5271 or email

Jay Edwards

Born and raised in Northwest NJ, Jay has a degree in Communications and has had a life-long interest in local radio and various styles of music. Jay has held numerous jobs over the years such as stunt car driver, bartender, voice-over artist, traffic reporter (award winning), NY Yankee maintenance crewmember and peanut farm worker. His hobbies include mountain climbing, snowmobiling, cooking, performing stand-up comedy and he is an avid squirrel watcher. Jay has been a guest on America’s Morning Headquarters,program on The Weather Channel, and was interviewed by Sam Champion.

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